Get Showering Now with Klarna Available

All week you've seen the weather reports. A storm is rolling in and your area is going to be affected. Wind, rain and thunder are forecasted. It's the kind of situation that throws even the most well-made plans into chaos.

Blizzard? Cyclone? Hurricane? Extreme weather? No matter what the reason is, losing power to your house comes with a whole host of challenges. Having a power outage for one night or multiple days and not being able to enjoy a warm shower is one of them.

Cold showers are of course on the menu, but who wants to take one if they have the option of a hot shower? Besides, most storms occur during the cooler months, which means taking a cold shower is not ideal.

What to do then about showering when the power is out? Is it possible? Is it safe?

Here's everything you need to know about de-funking your armpits and washing your hair during a power blackout.


The truth about showering during power outages

Government bodies say that disconnecting power is a necessary safety measure in severe weather conditions. This includes your electric hot water heater.

Besides not being able to access the internet and stream your favourite show, this completely eliminates the possibility of enjoying a steamy, morale-boosting shower during a power outage.

Got a gas hot water system or a gas stove? Congratulations! You can still have your hot shower. However, if you rely on electricity for heating water, it's time to get creative.


How to shower during a power outage

If you're like us and the thought of a cold water shower when it's stormy outside is about as appealing as a cocktail made from pencil shavings, we got you.

It's actually easier than you think to shower during a power disruption. All you need is a portable Beach Soul® shower and somewhere you can stand, like a bathtub or shower stall.

Here are the next steps.

  1. Heat (but don't boil) enough water for you and you family
  2. Fill your portable Beach Shower with the water
  3. Screw the shower head onto the bottle and pump till you reach your desired pressure
  4. Place the shower on the ground and stand in your bathtub or shower stall
  5. Bonus points: use a Beach Shower Holder for hands-free showering
  6. Set the showerhead mode to "mist" for maximum water conservation
  7. Pull the trigger and voila... you're showering with warm water, baby!

No need for a cold shower. No need to fumble around with a backup generator. No risking your life during a lightning storm or extreme weather conditions.

Keeping your family, your pets and yourself completely safe as the storm moves over is the priority.

A Beach Shower is the answer.


6 reasons why a portable shower is the ultimate power-outage option

"But Bec and Luis... why should I use a Beach Soul® portable shower for my power-outage shower needs? Can't I just opt for the old bucket and rag method?"

Fair question, sceptical reader, but why would you settle for less?

An affordable, long-lasting and user-friendly Beach Shower will solve all your power outage showering problems now and in the future.

Here's why.

6. No electrical components or batteries needed

One of the biggest advantages of using a portable shower during a power outage is that it requires no electricity or batteries.

You simply fill the bottle with heated water and pump for pressure. Strong storms can knock out power for extended periods of time, but your Beach Shower will never let you down.

5. 100% portable... place it where you want around the house

Want to have a hot shower in your existing shower basin? In the bath? In your kitchen? With a Beach Shower, the choice is yours.

This flexibility means you can have your shower wherever it's convenient for you and your family. And with the optional Beach Shower Holder, you'll even have your hands free for a deeper, more thorough scrub.

4. Up to 9 minute-long showers on offer

With the launch of our 10L Beach Shower, you can now enjoy up to 9 minutes of continuous shower time.

That's enough for a whole family to take quick showers comfortably... so long as dad doesn't hog the hose.

3. Fast, easy and effective way to keep the kids comfy and safe

Being in the house while the thunder roars, lights are out and things are generally chaotic is stressful for anyone, let alone the kids.

With a Beach Shower on hand, you'll always be able to keep them comfortable and clean. And don't worry, filling the bottle with hot water is your job, not theirs!

2. Heat water on a gas stove or camp cooker for a warm shower

Enjoying a hot water shower during a blackout is easier than ever! Simply use your gas stove or camp cooker to heat water and you'll be having a warm shower in no time.

As always, never boil the water or fill with water at temperatures of 50˚C/122˚F or higher.

You want a warm, luxuriously hot water shower, not a scalding experience.

1. Save your solar or gas hot water system

Last but not least, using a portable Beach Shower during a power outage means you'll be saving your usual hot water system from overworking.

Electric, gas and solar hot water systems can all become overloaded during extended power outages, resulting in damage or even the need for replacement.

By using a Beach Shower, you'll not only enjoy a warm shower, but you'll also prevent putting stress on your usual water system. Win-win!


FAQ: Showering during power outages

Q. What are the risks of showering during severe weather?

Electric shock through contact with metal pipes during a lightning strike, burns and slips or falls due to low light are all potential hazards during a blackout.

Q. Can I use a propane/gas heater to heat water for my shower safely?

Yes, you can use a gas stove or camp cooker to heat water for your Beach Shower.

However, it is important to never boil the water or fill with water at temperatures of 50˚C/122˚F or higher to avoid scalding or damaging your portable shower.

Q. How long does it take to heat enough water for a portable shower?

This depends on how much heated water you need and the heat output of your gas stove or camp cooker. On average, it takes around 15-25 minutes to heat enough water for three people.

Q. Are there any alternative methods for heating water during a power outage?

Yes, you can also use a campfire, grill or fire pit to heat water for your portable shower. As always, be cautious when using open flames and never leave them unattended.

Q. Is it safe to use solar water heaters during a storm?

It's generally not recommended to use solar water heaters during a storm, as they can be easily damaged by extreme weather conditions. It's best to wait until the storm has passed before using your solar hot water system.

Q. How can I conserve water while showering during a power outage?

Whether enjoying a hot or cold water shower, it's important to be mindful of water conservation during a power outage. You can do this by setting your portable shower to "mist" mode, timing your showers and taking your hand off the trigger while soaping up.


Final thoughts

While showering when the power is out is possible, not everyone is keen on a cold water rinse or risking their safety during severe weather.

That's where a Beach Shower comes in – it's the perfect solution for staying clean, comfortable and safe during a power outage.

Parents love it for its convenience, kids love it for the fun factor and everyone loves it for the peace of mind it provides. Shop our range of Beach Showers today!


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